
Saturday, April 15, 2023

Ranking high in search engines


Search Engine Optimization

INTRODUCTION TO SEO                          George Mwangi


Today, the internet has become a global source of information and a fundamental part of livelihood for millions. This is because millions use the internet for various purpose which includes; banking, trading, shopping, social networking, digital marketing, gaming, online booking, education, etc. With the development of modern technology, the internet has become accessible on most mobile devices in every corner of the world; a thing that has made millions of people are competing for space on the internet on various digital platforms.

Recent research by the China Internet Network  Information Centre (CNNIC) has shown that over 73% of the world's population use the internet for various reasons; a thing that has made many companies maximize online advertisement and e-commerce to expand their business. Many websites such as Google, Bing, and Yahoo earn great revenues from online advertisements. This is a result of millions of websites uploaded on the internet. This has made many businesses compete to promote and advertise their products and services via digital platforms. This has further led to the introduction of search engines where companies and individuals compete for online advertisements and optimizations of their website's search engines.

Many people may be asking; what are search engines and how can they be used to propel the business to another level? Search engines are software working in the back-end search process. A search engine is composed of two main things: a database of information, and algorithms that compute which results to return and rank for a given question. Most people use search engines to find a reliable business during the search process; therefore, a search engine is a key resource to boost online businesses. Online businesses pay millions of dollars to make their websites search engine friendly.  Search engines use special programs called Crawlers or Spiders that crawl and index websites.

The crawler is a computer program that downloads web pages. Search engines discover new content by regularly re-crawling known pages where new links often get added over time. For instance, every time we publish a new blog post, it gets pushed to the top of our blog homepage, where there's a link. The Crawlers continuously explore the internet and include new websites in search engine databases, indexes, or re-index websites. Search engines rank websites on basis of their content's quality and display those websites in search results. They crawl and index websites thus collecting necessary data in form of keywords and phrases from the websites.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is one of the most important and leading Search Engine Marketing (SEM) activities. SEM is an online marketing that increases websites' visibility in search engines to promote them. A search engine is considered a source that is used to promote a website and its associated business over the internet. Search engines explore websites' contents to gather information about a website. The search engines are classified into two general categories: Crawler-based search engines and Human-powered directories in a different manner. The crawler-based search engines typically work in three steps. First, they crawl through the website; then they analyze the webpage information for a targeted URL or keywords, evaluate the correspondence between the webpage and search criteria, then write this information in a specific format in its index database; Finally, they extract the webpage(s) in response of search query, containing most relevant information, from index database. The final result is presented in the form of hyperlinks and precise summaries of corresponding websites.  

Websites are classified into two categories: Static and Dynamic. A Static website is written using HTML with some basic scripting languages such as JavaScript. Static webpage(s) are not drawn from a database; instead, each webpage is considered a separate document. On the contrary, dynamic websites are created on the fly according to preferences that users specify in a form or on the bases of value(s) that user selects from menus. A dynamic webpage is created by extracting data from the affiliated databases however, modifying the contents of a dynamic web page; might only require updating its database records rather than changing the contents of the webpage. Dynamic webpage(s) do not physically exist like HTML webpage(s). Static websites are easier to develop and cheaper to host than dynamic websites. Static websites are preferred over dynamic websites when a website is small and its contents do not need to update frequently. Someone with basic knowledge of website development skills can easily modify the contents of a static website. Small businesses prefer using static websites to get have a web presence. On the contrary, dynamic websites are preferred by large businesses; or when there is a need to change or upgrade the contents of the website frequently. It's important to understand that, dynamic websites have some advantages over static websites. For instance, it is possible to update the contents of a dynamic website by a person with little or even no knowledge of web development and scripting languages. The URL of a static webpage may look like this: angle or upgrade the contents of the website frequently.

The URL of a dynamic webpage may look similar to this:

The next question that many people may be asking is what is Search Engine Optimization?

 Search engine optimization (SEO) refers to techniques that help your website rank higher in organic (or "natural") search results, thus making your website more visible to people who are looking for your product or service via search engines. It is important to understand that SEO is part of the broader topic of Search Engine Marketing (SEM). This is a term used to describe all marketing strategies for search. SEM entails both organic and paid searches. With paid search, you can pay to list your website on a search engine so that your website shows up when someone types in a specific keyword or phrase. Organic and paid listings both appear on the search engine, but they are displayed in different locations on the page. Another fundamental question that one might be asking is, what is the importance of being listed on search engines? How will your business benefit from the listing in the search engines? It is important to understand that in Google alone, there are around 700,000 searches conducted every second. This shows how a business that is not listed in the search engine loses a lot of business opportunities. That is, people are not able to read your content and they are also not able to see your products in the search engine. Practising SEO basics, as well as more advanced techniques after those, can drastically improve your website's ability to rank in the search engines and get potential customers.

If your website is not indexed and optimized to show keywords and phrases that are relevant to what you have to offer, all of that potential traffic is going to your competitors. For a search engine to be able to display results when a user types in a query, they need to have an archive of available information to choose from. Every search engine has proprietary methods for gathering and prioritizing website content. Regardless of the specific tactics or methods used, this process is called indexing.

Search engines attempt to scan the entire online universe and index all the information so they can show it to you when you enter a search query. This is done through crawlers or bots which constantly scan the web, indexing websites for content and following links on each webpage to other web pages. If your website has not been indexed, your website can't appear in the search results. It is important to understand that big search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo are constantly indexing hundreds of millions, of WebPages. How do they know what to show on the SERP when you enter a search query? One might be asking. The search engines consider two main areas when determining what your website is about and how to prioritize it. 

A. Content on your website: When indexing pages, the search engine bots scan each page of your website, looking for clues about what topics your website covers and scanning your website's back-end code for certain tags, descriptions, and instructions.

 B. Who's linking to you: As the search engine bots scan WebPages for indexing, they also look for links from other websites. The more inbound links a website has, the more influence or authority it has. Essentially, every inbound link counts as a vote for that website's content. Also, each inbound link holds a different weight. For instance, a link from a highly authoritative website like The Fivver will give a website a bigger boost than a link from a small blog site. This boost is sometimes referred to as link juice.

When a search query is entered, the search engine looks in its index for the most relevant information and displays the results on the SERP. The results are then listed in order of most relevant and authoritative. If you conduct the same search on different search engines, chances are you will see different results on the SERP. This is because each search engine uses a proprietary algorithm that considers multiple factors to determine what results to show in the SERP when a search query is entered.

Many people may ask, what does it take to get your website to index or rank on the search engines? It is vital to understand that it is not difficult to get your website to index and even rank on the search engines. However, getting your website to rank for specific keywords can be tricky. There are 3 major elements that a search engine considers when determining where to list a website on the SERP: rank, authority, and relevance.


Relevance is one of the most critical factors of SEO. The search engines are not only looking to see that you are using certain keywords, but they are also looking for clues to determine how relevant your content is to a specific search query. Besides actual text on your WebPages, the search engines will review your website's structure, use of keywords in your URLs, page formatting (such as bolded text), and what keywords are in the headline of the webpage versus those in the body text. While there is no way to track how relevant your website is, there are some SEO basics you can practise to cover your bases and make sure you are giving the search engines every possible opportunity to consider your website.


Search engines determine how authoritative and credible websites content is by calculating how many inbound links (links from other websites) it has. However, the number of inbound links does not necessarily correlate with higher rankings. The search engines also look at how authoritative the websites that link to you are, what anchor text is used to link to your website, and other factors such as the age of your domain. You can track over time how authoritative your website is by monitoring a few different metrics. There are a variety of tools to help you keep track. Hub Spot offers a free tool called Website Grader that will show you how many domains are linking to your website.

It is impossible to predict how people will search for content and exactly what keywords they are going to use. The only way to combat this is to generate credible content and lots of it. The more content and Web Pages you publish, the more chances you get to grow your webpage, and the higher your chances are of ranking in the search engine. If you create multiple web pages about the same topic, you are wasting your time. You need to create lots of content that covers lots of topics.


Rank is the position that your website physically falls in on the SERP when a specific search query is entered. If you are the first website in the organic section of the SERP. Your rank is an indicator of how relevant and authoritative your website is in the eyes of the search engine, as it relates to the search query entered. Tracking how your website ranks for a specific keyword over time is a good way to determine if your SEO techniques are having an impact. However, since there are so many other factors beyond your control when it comes to ranking, do not obsess over it. The content that you write on your website is very important in SEO ranking. Without rich content, you will find it difficult to rank for specific keywords and drive traffic to your website. In addition, if your content does not provide value or engage users, you will be far less likely to drive leads and customers.

Below are ways that you can use content to expand your online presence and increase your chances of ranking.

Homepage: Use your homepage to cover your overall value proposition and high-level messaging. If there was ever a place to optimize for more generic keywords, it is your homepage.

Product/Service Pages: If you offer products or services, create a unique webpage for each one of them.

Resource Center: Provide a webpage that offers links to other places on your website that cover education, advice, and tips.

Blog: Blogging is an incredible way to stay current and fresh while making it easy to generate tons of content. Blogging regularly (once per week is ideal) can have a dramatic impact on SEO because every blog post is a new webpage.

#pass mark educators.

Monday, April 10, 2023





Sexuality is an area that has so many hidden secrets that many people hardly know; with some not knowing how to start this interesting topic. Sexuality is one of the least discussed topics; with much remaining mum on this fundamental topic. Sexuality in human beings; was designed to be extremely good. This is a special gift of God in the way He intends it. When God created human beings, He made two “models” that is, male and female. Man and woman were created to enjoy sex in all spheres. The first marriage was between Adam and Eve. They enjoyed and felt good to know each other

 Genesis 2:24-25 states “For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they shall become one flesh. And they were both naked, and they were not ashamed.” The two partners ought to learn to work together in marriage; showing love and respect to each other. Such an approach is in line with God’s principles of wives submitting to their husbands and husbands loving and honouring their wives (Ephesians 5:22-25, 1 Peter 3:1-7); establishing family guidelines and traditions in an atmosphere of love and respect; gives couples a foundation on which to build their families.

      Sex was intended for marriage partners and not what we see today;  even teenagers are involving themselves in irresponsible sexual behaviour. Marriage is for adults where a husband, should be joined to his wife and enjoy sexual intimacy with each other. The Biblical text is clear that a man should build this special, close relationship with his wife. Simple actions such as hugs, kisses and promises of love build and strengthen the bond which God intended for married partners.

             When couples constantly work at building this relationship; they find it easier to agree on workable options in setting marriage challenges. Most people think that love is a magical, mysterious emotion that two people have; loving relationships must be nurtured. There require effort to make couples have a happy marriage. It is important to understand that love is a core consideration directed to another person; not just on only the emotion over which we have no control. Husbands and wives ought to be committed to their marriage vows for them to experience joy. This can be done through exhibiting Godly bonds by learning to listen, and talk about their differences or problems in humility and respect; Couples ought to strive hard to become one flesh; that is, enjoying an intimate sexual relationship with each other.

God intended sex to be part of a marriage relationship and that it should not take place outside marriage. It’s only in marriage state does God permits sexual relations (1Corinthians 6:9-10, ) –“ or do you not know, that unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God?  Be not be deceived neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who nor men who practice homosexuality will inherit the kingdom of God.” (Hebrews 13:4-6) Let marriage be held in honour by all men, and let the marriage bed be undefiled for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous. God wants sex to be an intimate experience that binds husband and wife. Engaging in multiple partners before marriage can lessen one’s ability to form that kind of close and lasting bond in marriage. Partners who involve themselves in extramarital affairs find it hard to build and maintain closeness in marriage.

         The way to reverse the trend of broken marriages and safeguard one’s relationship is simple; accept and practice God’s instruction on sex to marriage; such an approach shows honour and respect for the sexuality that God has given us. Husband and wife should feel comfortable with each other’s masculinity or feminism but, revealing too much of one’s body to other members of the opposite sex outside of marriage invites the breaking of God’s commands against lust and unlawful sexual relation.

      The foundation of any marriage should be based on love and submission and not lust; husbands ought to love their wives as their bodies; “He who loves his wife loves himself. For no one ever hated his flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as Lord does to the church”. –Ephesians 5: 22-23. Wives ought to submit to their husbands as to the Lord; as the church submits to Christ so wives ought to submit to their husbands.” It’s important to understand that, marriage is a two-way traffic that is, wives, give submission while husbands give love.

      When genuine love and respect prevail in a marriage, the husband and wife learn much from each other. Each brings strength into the relationship. For instance, wives mostly excel in relationship related needs; while husbands have a strong orientation toward problem-solving. Sex is one of God’s most wonderful gifts to mankind. It is a treasure for sustainable marriage and relational development. God is a master designer everything he creates became a mystery and a wonder. The mystery that is hidden in sex is incomprehensible. Sex is one of God’s divine ideas which in his wisdom gave to mankind for various reasons.

      To begin with, God’s supreme purpose of sex was for procreation. When God told Adam and Eve to be fruitful and multiply as recorded in Genesis 1:28 they probably thought that God wanted them to have sex, though this might be a correct presumption; in the real sense, God wanted them to develop intimacy with one another. God knew that sex would help them do that, in a way that nothing else could. God also knew that because sex is a powerful tool in creating intimacy; that there must be some constraints on how it was to be used; He thus relegated sex to the marriage arena.

      In creating sex, God gave guideline which ought to be used to ensure that there is order in the marriage relationship. To begin with; God intended that sex would be for mature married and men and women. Genesis 2:24-25 “For this reason, a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh”. The man and his wife were both naked and they felt no shame.” God did not create sex for people who are not mature i.e. young youth or teenagers, but it was for full grown-up adults. It was not the plan of God for young people to engage in premarital sex; being in courtship does not warrant you to have sex. Exodus 20:14 states “Do not commit adultery, flee sexual immorality”. You must not have sex with someone who is not your spouse, because in so doing, you are committing sexual sin. The intent of God at creation was that marriage spouses will enjoy sex. Obedience to God requires sex to be reserved for one’s spouse, and not what we see where even married partners are lusting for other people’s wives or husbands!

      Sex was also meant for people of the opposite sex; it was not in the plan for God for some sex marriage: the word of God is very clear that no one should engage in sexual intimacy with people of the same sex; this is an abomination in the eyes of God. Propagators of same-sex marriage have no place in the plan of God Leviticus 19:22- “you shall not lie with a male as with a woman such is an abomination”.

         Sex outside marriage damage relations between people involved. It also causes damage in three notable areas i.e. physical consequences, spiritual consequences, and relational consequences. The physical result of sex outside marriage includes; sexually transmitted diseases such as syphilis, AIDS, gonorrhea etc. Single parenthood may be as a result of sex outside marriage; other vices such as abortion are evident as a result of pre-marital sex. Spiritual consequences include; spiritual death, that is people die spiritually their relationship with God dies people no longer relate well with God. People who involve themselves in pre-marital sex cannot relate well with their maker; sexual sin disconnects people from God.

      The relational consequences are very evident; relational damage happens between people who are watching your life. The sin of adultery causes a person’s friends and outsiders to treat him/her as an outcast. Sex outside marriage, most of the time damage relations between people involved. There is no trust even when people are married; for instance, if the people involved are not spouses.  If one spouse is accused of being unfaithful, the relationship and trust by their partner are no longer there; their marital intimacy is affected as a result of pre-marital sex. Being a divine thing; sex requires people to follow God’s set guidelines. Sex thus becomes enjoyable when it is confined to married spouses who are in love with each other, and not for people who are lusting for each other. The foundation of sexual intimacy is love and not lust.

       The other purpose of sex is to bring love and intimacy between spouses. God wanted people to experience physical warmth and intimacy of the sexual act;   One secret of sex is that it brings bond in spouses that is; spouses can connect emotionally, physically and spiritually; when spouses who love each other have sex; they become one emotionally that is, they enjoy the pleasure together; their bodies become one and their spirit become one. This is a mystery that no one can explain. Marriage is a real union of two people that truly results in a relationship bonding; a man and a woman to each other and their children, uniquely and physically.

         Sex brings physical and emotional pleasure. People who love each other enjoy having sex they feel the pleasure that is accompanied by sexual arousal and orgasm. There is an immense pleasure when people come together to have sex. It is important to understand that sexual oneness within marriage was created by God; to serve as a foreshadowing of the spiritual oneness that would exist between Christ and the church.

            In Ephesians  (5:22-32.) We observe that when a man and a woman come together during sexual intimacy; in some mysterious ways they become one in their flesh. That is their body spirit and soul becomes one. Something profound occurs during sexual intercourse. Marriage is not simply a loyal union, a social, financial or familiar union, but rather a union of bodies; a sharing of physical life. It is through sex that spouses are joined together most deeply and wonderfully. So much in that, they are said to become one. This is why sexual intercourse is rightly said to consummate a marriage.

         It was in the plan of God for spouses to meet the physical and emotional needs of each other. Paul states in 1 Corinthians 7: 3-5 “The husband should fulfil his marital duty to his wife, and likewise the wife to her husband. The wife’s body does not belong to her alone but also her husband in the same way, the husband’s body does not belong to him alone but also to his wife. “Do not deprive each other except by mutual consent and for a time, so that you may devote yourself to prayer; then come together again so that Satan will not tempt you because of your lack of self-control.”

          Humans are sexual beings and we do have sexual desires for each other sexually; indeed before marriage, controlling this strong desire is very important. But within marriage, that desire is to find satisfaction in sexual intercourse. When we refuse each other this privilege; we frustrate the expressed pattern that God has revealed. The rate of extramarital affairs would be minimal when spouses take sex seriously.

            Sex thus becomes a unifying factor in any marriage; spouses who enjoy sex together are united in the soul and mind. Partners who were previously in conflict and were separate; when they have sexual intercourse; they can bond and tend to forget their differences. It is therefore right to say that sex unify marriage partners; this is through the joining of the body, soul and mind of each other. Partners who have differences and don’t have sexual intimacy are at great risk of separating and in severe cases divorcing. Sex has mystical glue that joins people together even when they are in a position that is very far apart.

           The primary purpose of sex is to reinforce the marital bond; sexual desire is not evil but must be satisfied in the proper time, place and manner. Sex must not be used as a weapon against a spouse, either by depriving the spouse of sex; it’s a serious offence to use sex to punish or manipulate your spouse. It is vital to understand that men and women have different physiology; many couples fail to reflect on these differences and integrate them into an understanding of how to be successful partners. Sex starts in the mind, and when there is no change in the mind; there can be no manifestation.

              Arousal is the second pattern in sex; according to recent research men are quickly aroused, and relatively quick to achieve orgasm. Their “spike” rises sharply and drops just as sharply. Men are especially aroused visually that is by what they see. Watching women in videos and books play a much bigger role in the sexual life of men; which is very different from women; that is men love with their eyes, while women love with their heart; on the contrary, women are aroused more slowly and after achieving orgasm; tend to remain a high plateau of arousal before dropping off. These differences should not be ignored but must be incorporated into love making process.

         One way of doing this is for men to focus or pleasuring their wives; bringing them to an initial orgasm before focus is given to bringing man to orgasm. Men need to understand what will help their wives achieve orgasm. While clitoris stimulation is usually an okay component many women still “get off” on intercourse; especially if the angle is such that it also stimulates the clitoris or that clitoral stimulation is being done manually by either partner during intercourse.

       It is important to understand the psychological implications of the different genital anatomies. For men, sexual intercourse is an external act. For a woman to have intercourse; means allowing a man to enter her body. That is a deeply personal act and men ought to appreciate this. Women require emotional intimacy and closeness to be actively sexual. Some women act as if sex is still a process of servicing men, and often deny that they are sexual beings who need to be serviced at least as much if not more. Women ought to have sex for themselves and not thinking that they are doing their husbands a favour.

      Sex is a communion of two spouses where each participates and enjoys sexual intimacy. No spouse should view themselves as being better than others when it comes to sex. It is important to overcome emotional disconnection, and have sex with your spouse as frequently as possible. In so doing; both partners will be able to feel closer, and create a more intimate context in which to resolve other issues. Married spouses ought to activate their sexual life. Sex requires planning, and the way you plan for other activities; should be the way, you should program to be having sex; spouse ought to create time to have sex; this will minimize cases of extra marital affairs in marriages.

      It is important to note that if you wait to have sex until one or both of you genuinely feel desire, you will wait too long. In marriage, there is often at least one person in the couple who won’t feel a natural desire to initiate sex. Push yourself to get started, even if you are just doing it for your partner’s pleasure.  You cannot expect wild sex to happen on a regular Saturday night unless you put more effort. If you want more romance then become more romantic; if you want more sex, then initiate sex more often. Anyone in the marriage can initiate sex; most people think it is only a husband for instance who is supposed to initiate sex, even a wife can initiate sex this is because sex is not one person’s main duty but both parties ought to be involved. Push yourself to get started.

Much emphasis need to be put that sex is meant between man and woman, same sex is not in line with the plan and purpose of God at creation.

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Saturday, September 17, 2022


Understanding the power of self-discovery

By George Mwangi

Many people live but they don't understand who they are. Self-discovery is a journey that every person must desire to endeavor. Success in life is determined by the way people discover who they are. When you discover who you are, it is then that you enter into the path of success in life. It takes time for people to discover who they are. How can you discover yourself one may ask; when you become of age that's the starting point of self-discovery. This comes with one's level of maturity, most often maturity comes with age, though some people demonstrate maturity when they are young. As people grow to maturity they ought to discover who they are.

Self–discovery entails understanding who you are and what you possess. This includes understanding your potential, the gifts that you have the talents and your divine purpose in life. People who discover who they understand their position in life. They are also able to choose their friends wisely; it's vital to understand that you don't need everyone to be your friend; self–discovery enables you to be with the right people. For instance, if you are in school you need people who are in school. If you are in business you need to relate with business people. If you are married you need to relate with married people.

When you discover yourself you walk in boldness because you know who you are. People who don't understand who they are suffer from an inferiority complex; they view others as being better than them. When you discover yourself, you can understand your mission and vision in life, thus you become focused on life. Self-discovery leads to self–awareness. Your mission is the path you follow to accomplish your life's 'purpose, while your vision is the foresight of where you are going.

When you discover yourself you understand your authority. People who cannot discover who they are don't understand the power they possess; they depend on what people say concerning them and dwell on that.

Benefits of self–discovery

You get an insight of who you are when you discover who you are.

You can connect with your destiny when you discover yourself

You can maximize your potential when you discover who you are.

You can live in divine revelation; you know what you are supposed to do.

You can accomplish your divine purpose when you discover yourself.

You can overcome life's challenges when you discover who you are.

You become a mentor when you discover who you are

You become a useful person when you discover who you are.

You become an effective leader after discovering who you are.

You succeed in what you do after self-discovery

Challenges of discovering who you are

Peer pressure can hinder you from discovering who you are.

Fear can hinder you from discovering who you are.

Life's challenges can hinder you from discovering who you are.

Immaturity can hinder you from discovering who you are people

who refuse to grow to maturity cannot understand who they are.

Lack of focus in life can hinder you from discovering who you are.

Seeking other people's opinions can hinder you from discovering yourself.

Sunday, November 15, 2020


      PART ONE                                     George Mwangi 

Marriage being a mutual agreement between a man and woman to form a family requires mutual agreement to make it work. Many people enter into marriage with no specific knowledge, training or guidelines on how to run a marriage. Couples are left to maneuver and look for ways to make their marriage work. There is no formal or informal training about how to make a happy marriage. The only thing that some couples get is some few counseling sessions prior to marriage, but what is that compared to whole life commitment that couple will have? .It is important to understand that, marriage is built on some very fundamental pillars. Love is a notable pillar that ought to be evident in any marriage. Love is the driving force that keeps any marriage on the move. No marriage can stand where there is no love. It is because of the love that couples have for each other, that makes their marriage work. Couples who love each other unconditionally stay put in their marriage. In marriages where love is lost, things fall apart. How then can love be cultivated in a marriage? One may ask. Love in marriage includes caring and nurturing for each other, carrying each other’s burden, appreciating the strength of each other supporting each other and accommodating each other’s weaknesses. Couples who find it hard to deal with their partner’s weaknesses find it hard to stick together. Many marriages fail because partners ignore the importance of love in their marriage. What is love? Why is it important in any marriage? , who is supposed to show love? , many might be asking. Love is the affectionate feelings that people have towards each other; there are some notable aspects that are evident in love; to begin with love is patient and kind, love is not jealous or boastful; it is not arrogant or rude, love does not insist on its own; it’s not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrong, but rejoices on right. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, and endures all things, love is respectful and submissive and love never ends. When some of the mentioned aspects miss in any marriage, then success in marriage becomes a hard thing to achieve. Partners have the duty to ensure that the above mentioned features are implemented in their marriage. There is a common belief by some people that it’s men who should show love, so that women can obey. I beg to differ because two people who don’t love each other cannot live together. Couples live together because they love each other. Where you see couples fighting, then know that love is lost. When couples feel that the love for each other is coming to an end, then that’s the time to start loving each other again. What are some of the things that make couples feel as if love has come to an end one might be asking? Unresolved conflict is number one thing that makes couples feel as if love has come to an end. Continuous conflict, external forces i.e. in laws; lack of finances, unfaithfulness, higher expectations etc, can make partners feel as if love has come to an end. Wives are supposed to show love to their husbands and vice versa. Love is an important ingredient in marriage because it acts like glue that sticks two love birds together. Love is a unifying factor in any marriage; division is evident in marriages where there is no love between couples. Love promotes peace among couples, where there is no love, tension become evident; there is no peace where there is no love. Every partner is supposed to demonstrate love in marriage. Love is a give and take thing. When you give love you receive the same .You can’t receive what you don’t give. Man ought to love his wife and vice versa. No marriage can stand where love is long lost. Sacrifice is a vital aspect that is evident in a marriage; couples who are not prepared to offer their lives for the sake of their marriage cannot go far in the same. Sacrifice entails being prepared to die for the sake of your marriage. There are many things in marriage that requires people to sacrifice. Couples who sacrifice for the sake of their marriage stick together. Commitment is another vital foundation for a happy marriage. Like in any other institution, marriage requires commitment. Couples who are committed to make their marriage work enjoy a happy marriage. Commitment entails working hard to make your marriage work. Couples who are committed to their marriage strive hard to build a stable marriage. Commitment entails being consistence in what you do. Respect is a very important foundation in any marriage. Couples who do not demonstrate respect to each other find it hard to enjoy a happy marriage. Respect entails being kind and courteous to your partner, allowing your partner to express his /her view, not undermining or underrating them, not despising them. Appreciating each other’s opinion is a notable way of demonstrating respect among couples. Knowledge is a vital foundation in any marriage. Knowledge of each other is very key for any marriage to stand. Many couples live together yet they don’t know each other. Understanding your spouse if very important in any marriage, this is because it will help you to live in harmony; and you will be able to handle conflict in your marriage. Couples who don’t know each other, are suspicious of each other, are insecure and don’t trust each other. Knowledge of your spouse is essential for stability of your marriage. Couples ought to understand to live with each other if they desire to enjoy a happy marriage. Wisdom is another vital ingredient that is required for any marriage to stand. Wisdom is the application of knowledge. Marriage requires a lot of wisdom from both partners for it to stand. Couples who apply wisdom in their marriage, enjoys a happy marriage. Wisdom in marriage is applied when couples think twice before they speak or take any step pertaining to challenges in their marriage. Many marriages fail because couples don’t apply wisdom in their marriage. Wisdom entails weighing the pros and cons of any action that couples intend to take in their marriage. Wisdom also entails doing things that will make your marriage stand. Wisdom involves learning to live with each other, knowing how to handle conflict in your marriage, learning how to overcome challenges, and dealing with pressure in your marriage. It is important to understand that every marriage has its own challenges; the key thing is knowing how to tackle these challenges as they come. Marriage is a bed of roses that has both good and bad sides. Submission is another vital pillar in marriage; submission entails being loyal to your marriage partner, obeying the basic rules in your marriage, understanding and keeping your boundaries. When partners are puffed up, nothing much can be achieved in their marriage. Partners ought to submit to each other. Like respect submission is like a two way traffic; it’s a give and take policy that is, you receive what you give. There is a school of thought that state that it is wives who are supposed to submit to their Husbands; I beg to differ because couples are required to submit to each other. Submission entails knowing and keeping your lane in your marriage. When couples submit to each other they are able to work with together, this is because they view each other as equal partners, that is, no one is superior.
EFFECTS OF COVID 19 ON GLOBAL ECONOMY George Mwangi The effects of Covid 19 have been felt by most nations of the world, though it started in Wuhan China as a community disease in December 2019. Corona virus has become one of the worst pandemic to hit the world in this century. Being a new virus as our scientists are telling us, Covid 19 has become a major threat even to the major economies of the world; they have been hard hit by this killer monster that currently has no cure. So far it has been estimated that over 1.6 billion people in the informal sector have lost their jobs because of Corona. Currently, Covid 19 has left over one million people dead, millions infected by this killer virus; as a result of this, Nations have been trembled and global economy hard hit beyond repair. The Economy of most nations is bleeding uncontrollably. It is evident that no nation in the world has been spared by this deadly disease. It has left many wondering, what is the way forward for the next 6 months, owing to the fact that, the virus is spreading like bush fire. It is important to say that major sectors of global economy have been deeply wounded with no hope of soon recovery. Numerous effects have been evident in the economy of almost every nation. One major effect of this killer disease has been the death of thousands of people with the graph rising on a daily basis. This has shaken not only the family foundation but national and global foundations have not been spared. Many people have lost their love ones in different aspects; some have lost their husbands , others their wives, while others have lost their fathers or mothers, parents have lost their children , brothers have lost their sisters and vice versa etc. Cries are being heard from every corner of the world, with cure to comfort people who have been bereaved by their loved ones. People are living in fear because they do not know who is next in the line of infection and in severe cases death. People can no longer go to see their loved ones in the hospital because they cannot be allowed ; because of the nature of the disease, it has become almost impossible to control this pandemic; it is terribly infectious in that ,even the dead are handled with great caution , the worst part of it is that, people are not allowed to bury their own; this has left many traumatized and in great pain as a result of the loss their loved ones; for instance relatives who have their people abroad cannot receive the bodies of their loved ones; where people dies , they are buried there by few people; some people might never see the graves of their loved ones, because its only the authorities in those countries that knows where people have been buried. Job losses have been a notable effect of Covid 19 .It has been estimated that over 1.6 billion people in the informal sector have lost their jobs; working hours has rapidly reduced to less than 6 hours per day in many major economies .This has led to increase in poverty level, many people are depending on government for even the basic necessities of life such as food. Living standard is no longer a priority in many nations; people are struggling to have a better life with little or no success. Industries are no longer operational; some have shut their doors with no hope of opening soon. Not one sector of the economy has been spared, for instance, tourism and transport have been hard hit to the point of drastic stagnation; employees in these sectors are struggling for survival but in vain. Hotels have been closed, airlines are no longer enjoying their good profits, and it is only cargo planes in some countries that have been left to operate, not for profit gain but for survival. Tourism has been greatly affected as a result of the current travel restrictions; no one is allowed to move from one country to another for tourism or trade. Many employees in the hotel industries are at home with no hope of ever being paid for what they have worked for, leave alone what they have not worked for. Education is another sector that has been deeply affected by Covid 19.Most learning institutions globally, have been closed as a result of Corona virus. This has distracted the academic calendars of most learning institutions. Chances of students who are graduating this year seem to be dim if things don’t change. Most learning institutions are no longer operating. This has left many teachers and educators struggling to make the ends meet. With the increase in the rate of infections; currently there is no hope for learning institutions opening soon. Some nations are trying digital learning while others are stranded not knowing what to do. Health sector is the most wounded of all, with doctors having sleepless nights trying to help those affected by this pandemic; scientists are trying hard to find the cure for this dreaded disease. The budget of health has been strained beyond limits. Governments are borrowing from other sectors to aid the health docket. This is the only sector that is having people who are a hundred percent at work. The health workers have not been spared; many health workers have died in the line of duty a thing that should worry any person because they are in the forefront. This is the right time to support the health workers with all that they need to keep the ball rolling. Many health workers cannot go back home after work because of the high rate of infection of the Covid 19. The families of the health workers are stressed because they cannot see their husbands at home, some cannot see their wives as they used to, children can no longer enjoy the joy of having their parents at home Religion is another sector that has been greatly affected by Covid 19. People can no longer congregate. The social distance rule has made people to stay at home, this has greatly affected the spiritual well being of many ; In this century Covid 19 is the only disease that has caused total lock down even in the most sacred places all over the world . In the history of man, this is one of the dreaded diseases that has made places of worship a no go zone. All over the world no mosque, temple, shrine, church etc are open; in most countries it has become a crime to be found in the place of worship. Many worshipers have found themselves on the wrong side of the law because of ignoring the social distance rule. The social distance rule has caused people to be apart; people can no longer socialize as they used to, currently it’s a crime for many people to be found in one place either for a drink or sports. Trade is another sector that has been greatly affected by Covid 19. Many people can no longer operate their business because of the movement restrictions .People can no longer trade freely as they used to. Many business premises have been closed because of this killer disease; trading has become almost impossible in every nation in the world. As a result of this, the economy of most nations is on a stand still because people cannot pay tax which is required to run any economy .The money market is no longer active because people cannot trade as they used to. The time has come for people from all nations to join hands to defeat this monster which is threatening to wipe out the human race from the face of the earth. This can be done by adhering to all the set rules and regulations to curb the spread of this dreaded pandemic. Quoting from one health minister from Kenya who said ; " If we continue to behave normally towards Covid 19 this disease will treat us abnormally, he further said that citizen responsibility is the key to defeating this virus” (Mutahi Kagwe .) Passmark educators


PERSONAL BRANDING PART ONE GEORGE MWANGI Personal Branding is the way you package yourself so that people can know and identify you, this involves the way you present yourself. The ways you appear to people determine how people will respond to you. People will label you as a result of what they see in you. For instance people who are confident attract people, they become good brands; on the contrary, people who are not confident don’t attract many people. Branding is a tag that people put on you, it’s also the value that they place on you: people who brand themselves well become valuable to others and are identified wherever they go, and in what they do. People value you because of the potential they see in you. What you stand for and believe in is a sure way of building a good personal brand. To build a good personal brand you ought to market yourself well. This includes your personal appearance, for instance are you friendly or caring?, do you listen to people or you take them for granted?, do you value others?, are you appreciative?, do you respect other people’s opinions ? Etc; these are notable aspects that form a good personal brand. Many people ignore the aspect of personal branding a thing that makes them lose many opportunities; this is because they are not known. Branding involves the basic things like the way you dress or talk. Social media is a notable place where brands are established, it is therefore important to brand yourself well on your face book, istagram or twitter accounts; Dressing is very essential in building personal brands: for instance people who always dress casually most often are not taken seriously; also people who talk casually most often are not taken seriously. Sometimes it’s important to be official in your dressing. It’s okay to have fun with some few jokes here and there but it’s vital to be serious most of the time. In so doing people will take you seriously. The way you brand yourself can either attract or repel people from you. To build a good brand, you ought to be informed in your area of your specialization, for instance, if you are a business person you need to be informed about some aspects in your business such as where to buy your products at a better price so that you can sell them at a fair price. Branding entails being knowledgeable about the products you are selling. People who don’t know the features in the products they are selling find it extremely hard to make good sales. People who understand their products make more sales in comparison to people who are not sure of what they are selling. Many people build their personal brands in their career: you ought to be passionate in your career so that people can identify you with what you do. To build a good brand, you need to understand your potential. People who don’t understand their potential are not confident and are brand less. People will brand you as a result of what they see in you. People who find it hard to deal with others cannot build good brands. Confidence is very key in personal branding. Most people are attracted to people who are confident and have positive attitude. Your attitude towards people is very key in personal branding. Honesty is another key aspect in personal branding; dishonest people never create good personal brands. Respect is another vital aspect of personal branding. Disrespectful people repel people from them. Integrity is a vital feature in personal branding .People that lack integrity miss the mark of good personal branding. Integrity entails doing the right thing always.


PART ONE George Mwangi Marriage being a mutual agreement between a man and woman to form a family requires mutual agreement to make it work. Many people enter into marriage with no specific knowledge, training or guidelines on how to run a marriage. Couples are left to maneuver and look for ways to make their marriage work. There is no formal or informal training about how to make a happy marriage. The only thing that some couples get is some few counseling sessions prior to marriage, but what is that compared to whole life commitment that couple will have? .It is important to understand that, marriage is built on some very fundamental pillars. Love is a notable pillar that ought to be evident in any marriage. Love is the driving force that keeps any marriage on the move. No marriage can stand where there is no love. It is because of the love that couples have for each other, that makes their marriage work. Couples who love each other unconditionally stay put in their marriage. In marriages where love is lost, things fall apart. How then can love be cultivated in a marriage? One may ask. Love in marriage includes caring and nurturing for each other, carrying each other’s burden, appreciating the strength of each other supporting each other and accommodating each other’s weaknesses. Couples who find it hard to deal with their partner’s weaknesses find it hard to stick together. Many marriages fail because partners ignore the importance of love in their marriage. What is love? Why is it important in any marriage? , who is supposed to show love? , many might be asking. Love is the affectionate feelings that people have towards each other; there are some notable aspects that are evident in love; to begin with love is patient and kind, love is not jealous or boastful; it is not arrogant or rude, love does not insist on its own; it’s not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrong, but rejoices on right. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, and endures all things, love is respectful and submissive and love never ends. When some of the mentioned aspects miss in any marriage, then success in marriage becomes a hard thing to achieve. Partners have the duty to ensure that the above mentioned features are implemented in their marriage. There is a common belief by some people that it’s men who should show love, so that women can obey. I beg to differ because two people who don’t love each other cannot live together. Couples live together because they love each other. Where you see couples fighting, then know that love is lost. When couples feel that the love for each other is coming to an end, then that’s the time to start loving each other again. What are some of the things that make couples feel as if love has come to an end one might be asking? Unresolved conflict is number one thing that makes couples feel as if love has come to an end. Continuous conflict, external forces i.e. in laws; lack of finances, unfaithfulness, higher expectations etc, can make partners feel as if love has come to an end. Wives are supposed to show love to their husbands and vice versa. Love is an important ingredient in marriage because it acts like glue that sticks two love birds together. Love is a unifying factor in any marriage; division is evident in marriages where there is no love between couples. Love promotes peace among couples, where there is no love, tension become evident; there is no peace where there is no love. Every partner is supposed to demonstrate love in marriage. Love is a give and take thing. When you give love you receive the same .You can’t receive what you don’t give. Man ought to love his wife and vice versa. No marriage can stand where love is long lost. Sacrifice is a vital aspect that is evident in a marriage; couples who are not prepared to offer their lives for the sake of their marriage cannot go far in the same. Sacrifice entails being prepared to die for the sake of your marriage. There are many things in marriage that requires people to sacrifice. Couples who sacrifice for the sake of their marriage stick together. Commitment is another vital foundation for a happy marriage. Like in any other institution, marriage requires commitment. Couples who are committed to make their marriage work enjoy a happy marriage. Commitment entails working hard to make your marriage work. Couples who are committed to their marriage strive hard to build a stable marriage. Commitment entails being consistence in what you do. Respect is a very important foundation in any marriage. Couples who do not demonstrate respect to each other find it hard to enjoy a happy marriage. Respect entails being kind and courteous to your partner, allowing your partner to express his /her view, not undermining or underrating them, not despising them. Appreciating each other’s opinion is a notable way of demonstrating respect amongst couples. Knowledge is a vital foundation in any marriage. Knowledge of each other is very key for any marriage to stand. Many couples live together yet they don’t know each other. Understanding your spouse if very important in any marriage, this is because it will help you to live in harmony; and you will be able to handle conflict in your marriage. Couples who don’t know each other, are suspicious of each other, are insecure and don’t trust each other. Knowledge of your spouse is essential for stability of your marriage. Couples ought to understand to live with each other if they desire to enjoy a happy marriage. Wisdom is another vital ingredient that is required for any marriage to stand. Wisdom is the application of knowledge. Marriage requires a lot of wisdom from both partners for it to stand. Couples who apply wisdom in their marriage, enjoys a happy marriage. Wisdom in marriage is applied when couples think twice before they speak or take any step pertaining to challenges in their marriage. Many marriages fail because couples don’t apply wisdom in their marriage. Wisdom entails weighing the pros and cons of any action that couples intend to take in their marriage. Wisdom also entails doing things that will make your marriage stand. Wisdom involves learning to live with each other, knowing how to handle conflict in your marriage, learning how to overcome challenges, and dealing with pressure in your marriage. It is important to understand that every marriage has its own challenges; the key thing is knowing how to tackle these challenges as they come. Marriage is a bed of roses that has both good and bad sides. Submission is another vital pillar in marriage; submission entails being loyal to your marriage partner, obeying the basic rules in your marriage, understanding and keeping your boundaries. When partners are puffed up, nothing much can be achieved in their marriage. Partners ought to submit to each other. Like respect submission is like a two way traffic; it’s a give and take policy that is, you receive what you give. There is a school of thought that state that it is wives who are supposed to submit to their Husbands; I beg to differ because couples are required to submit to each other. Submission entails knowing and keeping your lane in your marriage. When couples submit to each other they are able to work with together, this is because they view each other as equal partners, that is, no one is superior.


IMPACT OF LEADERSHIP ON SOCIO- ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT GEORGE MWANGI Leadership is the ability to demonstrate authority, capacity, influence, vision, direction, focus, integrity in an institution. Effective leadership is evident in what people see in their leaders. Leaders are the vision bearer in their organizations. The success or failure of any institution is determined by the leadership that is in place. Leadership is about authority that is bestowed on a leader, that is, the ability to rule and govern; leaders who do not exercise their authority cannot be effective in their ruler ship. One mark of true leaders is their ability to demonstrate ruler ship. It is important to note that there is a difference between ruler ship and dictatorship; a ruler involves people in decision making but a dictator decides what to do without involving others. Capacity is an evident aspect that is notable in effective leadership. Capacity is the ability or potential to articulate issues involving leadership. People who lack capacity find it hard to deal with issues in their leadership. It is important to understand that leadership is about governance and a lot of decision making; when leaders lack capacity; it becomes almost impossible to be effective in leadership. Influence is another vital aspect of effective leadership; this is the ability to cause people to follow your ideologies. People who lack the ability to influence others struggle in their leadership; influence makes people to follow your point of view and support you in your leadership. Vision is another important feature that is evident in good leadership; vision is a true mark of an effective leader; people who do not have a clear vision of where they want to see their people in terms of growth and development, cannot become effective leaders. It is important to understand that, people elect leaders because they think that they have a vision for their well being. People who have no vision to transform the lives of their followers cannot be effective leaders. It is vital to note that, leaders must have the dream to see the lives of people change. Leaders who lack vision are retrogressive and not progressive; this is because they cause people to stagnate and live a mediocre life. One person said that, people who have no vision are employed to propagate the vision of others. Direction is a vital aspect that every leader must pursue to have. This is the mission statement in life; people who have no direction in life cannot become effective leaders. People who are not going anywhere cannot show you the way; as a leader you must convince people that you know where you are going so that they can be motivated to follow you. Many leaders lack following because they are heading nowhere; people ought to know your mission statement for them to trust and follow you; leaders who cannot convince people to follow them, lack direction and are just making a walk in the park; a notable mark of an effective leader is direction. People ought to understand your direction before they decide to follow you. Many leaders want people to follow them yet they are heading nowhere. Focus and integrity are key pillars in any leadership; leaders who have no focus in life struggle a lot in their leadership. Focus entails keeping an eye to where you are heading; people who are not focused find it hard to find following. Integrity is a vital aspect of effective leadership; leaders who lack integrity become a stumbling block to success of any institution. Integrity entails always doing the right things; notable aspects of integrity are responsibility, respect, honesty, trust etc. Leadership is very important in socio economic development of any organization. Effective leadership brings economic growth in an institution. Leaders are either elected or appointed to bring growth and development in their organizations; any leadership that does not bring change cannot be said to be effective leadership. Leaders who do not bring growth in their leadership cannot boast of being efficient leaders; growth and development are key pillars of good leadership. Leaders are game changers in that when they enter an institution, they must leave a legacy. Effective leadership is remembered because of the change and impact it leaves. When people cannot remember what you did during your tenure, in leadership, then you cannot count yourself to be an effective leader. Leaders are supposed to be impactful, that is they must leave a good mark after their departure. One way of evaluating true leadership is through the change of the living standard of people they lead they leave when they exit; for instance, in political leadership, when people continue to suffer before and after a particular leadership; then we can say that this is a failed leadership. Leadership is evident in many areas this includes; family, religion, politics, private companies, public institutions etc. As a family leader, religious leader, corporate leader, or political leader what would you want to be remembered for after you are gone? Many leaders’ scores less in the area of growth and development, this is because they leave no impact; one way of becoming an effective leader is by identifying problems affecting your people and coming up with a long lasting solution; for instance as a corporate leader you can be remembered for changing the working conditions of workers; as a family leader you can be remembered for uniting your family members. When people are elected in political leadership and there is a decrease in poverty level; then we can say that the elected leaders are an effective leader; but when people continue to struggle in poverty; we can say that is a failed leadership. As a religious leader when people continue to struggle in spiritual matters in your tenure; then we can say that you are not an impactful leader. As family a leader; when people are not progressive in your tenure, then you cannot boast of being an effective leader. Leaders are either appointed or elected to transform the lives of their followers. When people who work for you are struggling to make their ends meet, then we can say that you are not an impactful leader. Many people are struggling as a result of poor leadership. One aspect of poor leadership is misplaced priority; that is doing the right thing at the wrong time or place. We have seen many nations coming to an economic standstill as a result of misplaced priorities by the elected leaders. Misuse of resource is another aspect of poor leadership; leaders who misuse funds cannot be effective leaders; they are retrogressive rather than being progressive in their leadership. Misuse of resources goes hand in hand with wastage of resource; for instance buying items at over exaggerated prices is a notable form of wastage and misuse of resources. Autocratic form of leadership is an evident demonstration of poor leadership; when people are not allowed to express their views autocracy becomes the order of the day. Autocracy is a true demonstration of poor governance; which is a major stumbling block to good leadership. Lack oversight is a notable impact of poor leadership; when there is no room for oversight people are no longer accountable. It is normal for people to misbehave when there is no oversight. Where there is no oversight, people become irresponsible and ignore accountability. There ought to be checks and balances in leadership.
HOW TO BUILD YOUR CONFIDENCE GEORGE MWANGI Confidence is self belief or self esteem; Confidence can be defined in the following ways. To begin with confidence is the trust that a person has in his or her self. It is being certain about something or one’s ability, it’s the trust that something will happen; Confidence is the ability is to express one self. Confidence is the courage to confront and handle issues in life. Self esteem is very important in the life of an individual. People who have high self esteem are confident and are able to express themselves. Lack of confidence can make people to live in fear and frustrations. One feature that is evident in confident people is that, they have positive mindset that is, they view things in a positive way. They are optimistic and are driven by positive attitude. People who don’t have a positive attitude are driven by fear of what people are saying or will say concerning them. One thing that can destroy your confidence is when you decide to worry and be concerned about what people will say or are saying concerning you. Insecurity is another aspect that is evident in people who lack confidence; people who are insecure find it hard to express themselves. People who have inferiority complex most often lack confidence; people who view others as superior to them find it hard to be confident. Also people who faced rejection when they were young may have inferiority complex a thing that can make them to lack confidence. People who dwell on the past hurts and failure most often lack confidence to confront different challenges in life. People lack confidence in different ways, for instance some people fear to speak to large crowd of people. People who fear to begin things with a view that they will fail. Other people lack confidence to confront issues in life. Some people fear to do certain things a thing that makes them to lack confidence. There are many ways of building personal confidence. Self belief is the first step in building self confidence, you ought to believe in yourself this is because if you cannot believe in yourself no one will. Believe that you are the best and no one compares to you. Also you need to be always optimistic in order to build your personal confidence. People who listen to the views of others concerning them fail the mark of being confident. People who seek other people’s opinions rob themselves the opportunity to be confident. You don’t require other people’s opinions to be who you are; you ought to understand that you are an original copy, created in the image of God. Believe in yourself. Self belief is very key in building your confidence. Continue to do what you fear to do and fear will disappear. Practice, practice, practice, continue to exercise and you will build your confidence, understand that practice makes perfect.

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

SOCIO ECONOMIC EFFECTS OF COVID- 19 ON GLOBAL ECONOMY The effects of Covid 19 have been felt by most nations of the world, though it started in Huwan China as a community disease in December 2019. Corona virus has become one of the worst pandemic to hit the world in this century. Being a new virus as our scientists are telling us, Covid 19 has become a major threat even to the major economies of the world; they have been hard hit by this killer monster that currently has no cure. So far it has been estimated that over 1.6 billion people in the informal sector have lost their jobs because of Corona. Currently, Covid 19 has left over 700000 people dead, millions infected by this killer virus; as a result of this, Nations have been trembled and global economy hard hit beyond repair. The Economy of most nations is bleeding uncontrollably. It is evident that no nation in the world has been spared by this deadly disease. It has left many wondering, what is the way forward for the next 6 months, owing to the fact that, the virus is spreading like bush fire. It is important to say that major sectors of global economy have been deeply wounded with no hope of soon recovery. Numerous effects have been evident in the economy of almost every nation. One major effect of this killer disease has been the death of thousands of people with the graph rising on a daily basis. This has shaken not only the family foundation but national and global foundations have not been spared. Many people have lost their love ones in different aspects; some have lost their husbands , others their wives, while others have lost their fathers or mothers, parents have lost their children , brothers have lost their sisters and vice versa etc. Cries are being heard from every corner of the world, with cure to comfort people who have been bereaved by their loved ones. People are living in fear because they do not know who is next in the line of infection and in severe cases death. People can no longer go to see their loved ones in the hospital because they cannot be allowed ; because of the nature of the disease, it has become almost impossible to control this pandemic; it is terribly infectious in that ,even the dead are handled with great caution , the worst part of it is that, people are not allowed to bury their own; this has left many traumatized and in great pain as a result of the loss their loved ones; for instance relatives who have their people abroad cannot receive the bodies of their loved ones; where people dies , they are buried there by few people; some people might never see the graves of their loved ones, because its only the authorities in those countries that knows where people have been buried. Job losses have been a notable effect of Covid 19 .It has been estimated that over 1.6 billion people in the informal sector have lost their jobs; working hours has rapidly reduced to less than 6 hours per day in many major economies .This has led to increase in poverty level, many people are depending on government for even the basic necessities of life such as food. Living standard is no longer a priority in many nations; people are struggling to have a better life with little or no success. Industries are no longer operational; some have shut their doors with no hope of opening soon. Not one sector of the economy has been spared, for instance, tourism and transport have been hard hit to the point of drastic stagnation; employees in these sectors are struggling for survival but in vain. Hotels have been closed, airlines are no longer enjoying their good profits, and it is only cargo planes in some countries that have been left to operate, not for profit gain but for survival. Tourism has been greatly affected as a result of the current travel restrictions; no one is allowed to move from one country to another for tourism or trade. Many employees in the hotel industries are at home with no hope of ever being paid for what they have worked for, leave alone what they have not worked for. Education is another sector that has been deeply affected by Covid 19.Most learning institutions globally, have been closed as a result of Corona virus. This has distracted the academic calendars of most learning institutions. Chances of students who are graduating this year seem to be dim if things don’t change. Most learning institutions are no longer operating. This has left many teachers and educators struggling to make the ends meet. With the increase in the rate of infections; currently there is no hope for learning institutions opening soon. Some nations are trying digital learning while others are stranded not knowing what to do. Health sector is the most wounded of all, with doctors having sleepless nights trying to help those affected by this pandemic; scientists are trying hard to find the cure for this dreaded disease. The budget of health has been strained beyond limits. Governments are borrowing from other sectors to aid the health docket. This is the only sector that is having people who are a hundred percent at work. The health workers have not been spared; many health workers have died in the line of duty a thing that should worry any person because they are in the forefront. This is the right time to support the health workers with all that they need to keep the ball rolling. Many health workers cannot go back home after work because of the high rate of infection of the Covid 19. The families of the health workers are stressed because they cannot see their husbands at home, some cannot see their wives as they used to, children can no longer enjoy the joy of having their parents at home Religion is another sector that has been greatly affected by Covid 19. People can no longer congregate. The social distance rule has made people to stay at home, this has greatly affected the spiritual well being of many ; In this century Covid 19 is the only disease that has caused total lock down even in the most sacred places all over the world . In the history of man, this is one of the dreaded diseases that has made places of worship a no go zone. All over the world no mosque, temple, shrine, church etc are open; in most countries it has become a crime to be found in the place of worship. Many worshipers have found themselves on the wrong side of the law because of ignoring the social distance rule. The social distance rule has caused people to be apart; people can no longer socialize as they used to, currently it’s a crime for many people to be found in one place either for a drink or sports. Trade is another sector that has been greatly affected by Covid 19. Many people can no longer operate their business because of the movement restrictions .People can no longer trade freely as they used to. Many business premises have been closed because of this killer disease; trading has become almost impossible in every nation in the world. As a result of this, the economy of most nations is on a stand still because people cannot pay tax which is required to run any economy .The money market is no longer active because people cannot trade as they used to. The time has come for people from all nations to join hands to defeat this monster which is threatening to wipe out the human race from the face of the earth. This can be done by adhering to all the set rules and regulations to curb the spread of this dreaded pandemic. Quoting from one health minister from Kenya who said; “If we continue to behave normally towards Covid 19 this disease will treat us abnormally, he further said that citizen responsibility is the key to defeating this virus” (Mutahi Kagwe .) Compiled and written by George K Mwangi Passmark educators

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