
Sunday, November 15, 2020

HOW TO BUILD YOUR CONFIDENCE GEORGE MWANGI Confidence is self belief or self esteem; Confidence can be defined in the following ways. To begin with confidence is the trust that a person has in his or her self. It is being certain about something or one’s ability, it’s the trust that something will happen; Confidence is the ability is to express one self. Confidence is the courage to confront and handle issues in life. Self esteem is very important in the life of an individual. People who have high self esteem are confident and are able to express themselves. Lack of confidence can make people to live in fear and frustrations. One feature that is evident in confident people is that, they have positive mindset that is, they view things in a positive way. They are optimistic and are driven by positive attitude. People who don’t have a positive attitude are driven by fear of what people are saying or will say concerning them. One thing that can destroy your confidence is when you decide to worry and be concerned about what people will say or are saying concerning you. Insecurity is another aspect that is evident in people who lack confidence; people who are insecure find it hard to express themselves. People who have inferiority complex most often lack confidence; people who view others as superior to them find it hard to be confident. Also people who faced rejection when they were young may have inferiority complex a thing that can make them to lack confidence. People who dwell on the past hurts and failure most often lack confidence to confront different challenges in life. People lack confidence in different ways, for instance some people fear to speak to large crowd of people. People who fear to begin things with a view that they will fail. Other people lack confidence to confront issues in life. Some people fear to do certain things a thing that makes them to lack confidence. There are many ways of building personal confidence. Self belief is the first step in building self confidence, you ought to believe in yourself this is because if you cannot believe in yourself no one will. Believe that you are the best and no one compares to you. Also you need to be always optimistic in order to build your personal confidence. People who listen to the views of others concerning them fail the mark of being confident. People who seek other people’s opinions rob themselves the opportunity to be confident. You don’t require other people’s opinions to be who you are; you ought to understand that you are an original copy, created in the image of God. Believe in yourself. Self belief is very key in building your confidence. Continue to do what you fear to do and fear will disappear. Practice, practice, practice, continue to exercise and you will build your confidence, understand that practice makes perfect.

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