
Saturday, September 17, 2022


Understanding the power of self-discovery

By George Mwangi

Many people live but they don't understand who they are. Self-discovery is a journey that every person must desire to endeavor. Success in life is determined by the way people discover who they are. When you discover who you are, it is then that you enter into the path of success in life. It takes time for people to discover who they are. How can you discover yourself one may ask; when you become of age that's the starting point of self-discovery. This comes with one's level of maturity, most often maturity comes with age, though some people demonstrate maturity when they are young. As people grow to maturity they ought to discover who they are.

Self–discovery entails understanding who you are and what you possess. This includes understanding your potential, the gifts that you have the talents and your divine purpose in life. People who discover who they understand their position in life. They are also able to choose their friends wisely; it's vital to understand that you don't need everyone to be your friend; self–discovery enables you to be with the right people. For instance, if you are in school you need people who are in school. If you are in business you need to relate with business people. If you are married you need to relate with married people.

When you discover yourself you walk in boldness because you know who you are. People who don't understand who they are suffer from an inferiority complex; they view others as being better than them. When you discover yourself, you can understand your mission and vision in life, thus you become focused on life. Self-discovery leads to self–awareness. Your mission is the path you follow to accomplish your life's 'purpose, while your vision is the foresight of where you are going.

When you discover yourself you understand your authority. People who cannot discover who they are don't understand the power they possess; they depend on what people say concerning them and dwell on that.

Benefits of self–discovery

You get an insight of who you are when you discover who you are.

You can connect with your destiny when you discover yourself

You can maximize your potential when you discover who you are.

You can live in divine revelation; you know what you are supposed to do.

You can accomplish your divine purpose when you discover yourself.

You can overcome life's challenges when you discover who you are.

You become a mentor when you discover who you are

You become a useful person when you discover who you are.

You become an effective leader after discovering who you are.

You succeed in what you do after self-discovery

Challenges of discovering who you are

Peer pressure can hinder you from discovering who you are.

Fear can hinder you from discovering who you are.

Life's challenges can hinder you from discovering who you are.

Immaturity can hinder you from discovering who you are people

who refuse to grow to maturity cannot understand who they are.

Lack of focus in life can hinder you from discovering who you are.

Seeking other people's opinions can hinder you from discovering yourself.

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